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Gitlab Commit Message Does Not Follow The Pattern Update

Patterns For Writing Better Git Commit Messages - Dev Community

You are looking for information on the topic “gitlab commit message does not follow the pattern”. will gather information to answer your questions in this article. Please read this article to the end to find the information you want to see. You can also check out some other related articles here: pre-receive hook declined gitlab: commit message does not follow the pattern, gitlab commit message rules, branch name does not follow the pattern, commit message doesn’t match regex, change commit message after push, gitlab was prohibited by the pattern pem key, git change commit message, gitlab push rules.

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Information about this question

  • Question: gitlab commit message does not follow the pattern
  • Time: Asked 75 minute ago
  • Modified: Asked 80 minute ago
  • View: 10953

gitlab commit message does not follow the pattern

It’s generally a good idea to follow a consistent pattern when writing Git commit messages. However, if a commit message does not follow the pattern, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Edit the commit message: If you are the author of the commit, you can edit the commit message using the git commit --amend command.

  2. Rewrite the commit history: If the commit message does not follow the pattern and you want to rewrite the commit history, you can use the git rebase command to edit the commit message.

  3. Ignore the issue: If the commit message does not follow the pattern but is still clear and understandable, you may decide to ignore the issue and move on.

In general, it’s a good practice to follow a consistent pattern when writing commit messages, as it helps to make the commit history more readable and understandable. Some common patterns include starting with a verb in the present tense (e.g., “Add feature” or “Fix bug”), including a brief summary of the changes made, and providing additional details in the body of the message if necessary.

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Patterns For Writing Better Git Commit Messages - Dev Community
Patterns For Writing Better Git Commit Messages – Dev Community

pre-receive hook declined gitlab: commit message does not follow the pattern

This error message typically indicates that your GitLab instance has a pre-receive hook configured to enforce a specific pattern for commit messages, and the commit message for your latest push does not meet the requirements.

To resolve this issue, you will need to update your commit message to match the required pattern. The specific pattern required by the pre-receive hook should be documented in your team’s GitLab documentation or code of conduct.

Here are some general tips for crafting a good commit message:

  1. Use a concise, descriptive subject line that summarizes the changes made in the commit.
  2. Start the subject line with a capital letter and do not end it with a period.
  3. Use the imperative mood in the subject line (e.g., “Add feature” instead of “Added feature”).
  4. Leave a blank line after the subject line, followed by a more detailed explanation of the changes made in the commit.
  5. Keep the body of the message to 72 characters or less per line.

Once you have updated your commit message to meet the requirements of the pre-receive hook, you should be able to push your changes to GitLab without receiving the error message.

gitlab commit message rules

GitLab does not enforce specific rules for commit messages, but it is generally recommended to follow the conventional commit message format to ensure consistency and clarity across your project’s commit history.

The conventional commit message format consists of three parts:

  1. Type: A short, lowercase label indicating the type of change being made, such as “feat” for a new feature or “fix” for a bug fix.

  2. Scope (optional): A short, lowercase label indicating the area of the codebase being affected by the change.

  3. Description: A brief, but descriptive summary of the changes being made, written in the present tense and using the imperative mood.

Here’s an example of a conventional commit message:

feat(auth): add support for two-factor authentication

In this example, “feat” indicates that a new feature is being added, “auth” indicates that the change is related to authentication, and the description provides a clear and concise summary of the change.

Following a consistent format for commit messages can make it easier for others to understand the changes being made to the codebase, and can also help with automated release notes generation, changelogs, and other project management tasks.

You can see some more information related to gitlab commit message does not follow the pattern here


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